All Parties Hurriyat Conference Demands Probe into Kashmiris Genocide in IIOJK

Sat Feb 03 2024
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SRINAGAR: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has voiced grave concern over the Indian Army deployment in the region against Kashmiri civilians peacefully engaged in an indigenous liberation movement advocating for the right to self-determination.

As per Kashmir Media Service, the right to self-determination is safeguarded by the United Nations Security Council and affirmed by India through commitments made on the international stage.

In a statement released in Srinagar, the APHC spokesperson described the Kashmir liberation movement as legitimate and democratic in all aspects. 

The spokesperson rejected Indian rhetoric about Kashmir as unfounded, highlighting the millions participating in anti-India rallies, demanding their inherent right to self-determination.

The APHC commended the resilience and sacrifices of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, including the incarcerated Hurriyat leadership.

The statement underscored that despite Indian suppression, the Kashmiri people remain steadfast in pursuing their demand for the right to self-determination to its logical conclusion.

Kashmiris Reject Indian Occupation of IIOJK

The spokesperson affirmed that the freedom-loving people of Kashmir have consistently opposed Indian illegal occupation since 1947. He brought attention to the relentless killings, extrajudicial encounters, and detentions that have left the innocent people of Kashmir vulnerable in terms of their lives, honor, and dignity.

The spokesperson called for a United Nations Human Rights Council investigation into the genocide of the Kashmiri people, violations of international laws by the Hindutva BJP-led Indian government in August 2019, ongoing cordon and search operations, house raids, and the challenging situation faced by the Kashmiri people due to Indian occupation forces.

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