Balochistan’s Coastal Charm to Spark Foreign Attraction

Thu Nov 23 2023
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QUETTA: The Balochistan government is dedicated to establishing seven ecotourism resorts, accompanied by allied amenities, costing Rs1,069 million in its coastal regions.

This initiative aims to accommodate the desires of both local and international tourists seeking to discover the enchanting coastal landscapes.

The government of Balochistan allocated Rs250 million towards creating five beach parks along the coastal belt, aiming to harness the tourism potential within the province.

Emphasizing the vitality of preserving Balochistan’s marine life and fostering ecotourism in the region, thereby attracting global attention:

Balochistan’s stunning coastal beauty beckons tourists worldwide, offering unique landscapes that can transform into coveted international destinations. With a 760km coastline and key ports like Jiwani, Pasni, Somiani, and the renowned Gwadar, Balochistan harbours immense potential to allure both local and foreign visitors.

The region boasts rich marine biodiversity, including rare sightings like the Arabian Humpback whale, alongside 60 fish species and 10 shrimp varieties, constituting one of the world’s most productive marine ecosystems.

Yet, the coastal homes of Balochistan’s diverse marine life, from crustaceans to whales, demand conservation efforts. Astola Island, spanning 400 sq km, holds the distinction of being Pakistan’s largest island and is designated a marine protected area by the Balochistan government.

This status aims to safeguard endangered species, habitats, and biodiversity threatened by human activities. Implementing marine protection status entails curbing detrimental fishing methods and regulating recreational activities, ensuring the preservation of our precious marine ecosystems.

The government was actively building hotels, restaurants, and various amenities along the Balochistan shores to boost coastal tourism. Additionally, the establishment of the Balochistan Coastal Development Authority by the provincial government aims to oversee commercial operations and implement modern infrastructure in the region. Furthermore, a total of 215 lifeguards have been deployed by the government to assist tourists and ensure their safety along the coast.

The provincial government’s ambitious plan to develop seven ecotourism resorts along its coastal areas signifies a significant leap towards unlocking the untapped potential of the region. The government aims to create havens that showcase the natural beauty of Kund Malir, Ormara, Gwadar, and Jiwani, catering to the increasing interest from both local and foreign tourists.

One of the key aspects of this initiative is the establishment of nine resting spots at various locations along the coastal belt. These spots, strategically chosen, are set to provide visitors with not only a respite but also an opportunity to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of Balochistan’s coastline. The government’s focus on creating such spots aligns with the broader goal of developing the coastal area to attract a more diverse range of tourists.

In addition to the ecotourism resorts, the Balochistan government has allocated Rs250 million for the establishment of five beach parks along the coastal belt. This move not only adds recreational spaces but also serves as a catalyst for unlocking the tourism sector’s potential in the province. By creating these parks, the government aims to provide visitors with well-maintained and accessible areas where they can enjoy the scenic beauty of Balochistan’s coastline.

To further bolster coastal tourism, the government is investing in the development of hotels, restaurants, and other essential facilities along the Balochistan shores. This holistic approach is designed to create an infrastructure that caters to the evolving needs of tourists. By providing comfortable accommodations and amenities, the government seeks to enhance the overall tourism experience, encouraging longer stays and repeat visits.

The establishment of the Balochistan Coastal Development Authority underscores the government’s commitment to regulating commercial activities and ensuring modern facilities in the area. This regulatory body is expected to play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance between promoting tourism and preserving the natural environment. It signifies a proactive approach to sustainable tourism, ensuring that the ecological integrity of Balochistan’s coastal regions remains intact.

The deployment of 215 lifeguards along the coastal areas is a commendable step towards ensuring the safety of tourists. As tourism in the region grows, the presence of lifeguards becomes increasingly crucial. Not only do they serve as first responders in case of emergencies, but they also contribute to the overall sense of security for visitors, fostering a positive and enjoyable experience.

Balochistan, with its 750-kilometer-long coastal belt, possesses a wealth of tourist attractions waiting to be explored. Gwadar, Jiwani, Pasni, and other coastal areas, when developed thoughtfully, have the potential to become major tourist destinations. The government’s commitment to formulating a master plan for the coastal belt demonstrates a strategic vision for the future. A well-thought-out plan will not only guide the development of tourism infrastructure but also ensure that the unique cultural and environmental aspects of the region are preserved.

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