Beyond the Surface: Delving into the Roots of Violence

Tue Feb 20 2024
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Sadaf Ibrar

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A few days ago, Karachi witnessed a heart-wrenching incident that shook the community to its core. A 15-year-old boy, pushed to the edge by the violence inflicted upon him by his uncle, committed a horrific act against his 8-year-old cousin. This tragic event not only highlights the immediate consequences of domestic violence but also sparks a crucial conversation about the role of parents and the lessons we impart to our children.

Understanding the Incident

In the grim reality of this incident, a 15-year-old boy became a perpetrator in the face of relentless violence from his uncle, The catalyst for this heinous act was the abusive behavior towards the boy, stemming from a complaint made by the 8-year-old cousin. This grim episode sheds light on the gravity of domestic violence and its profound impact on impressionable minds.

The words of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights activist, resonate with eerie relevance in this context. “Hate begets hate. Violence begets violence; Hardness breeds more hardiness.” This timeless wisdom underscores the cyclical nature of violence and the urgency of countering it with compassion and understanding. King’s vision extends beyond defeating or humiliating; it emphasizes winning friendship and understanding.

 Parental duties and responsibilities

The incident in Karachi prompts a reflection on the duty of parents in shaping the emotional and psychological well-being of their children. Are we fostering an environment of love, understanding, and open communication, or are we perpetuating a cycle of violence and hatred? Nurturing Compassion

Parents play a pivotal role in nurturing compassion in their children. Teaching them empathy, kindness, and conflict resolution skills is essential for creating a harmonious family dynamic.”In the absence of compassion, violence prevails. Parents must be the architects of empathy in their children’s hearts.” – Dr. Sophia Roberts, Child Psychologist

Creating a space for open dialogue is crucial. Children should feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns without fear of retribution, fostering trust and preventing emotional suppression.

 Breaking the cycle

Parents who have experienced violence must be vigilant in breaking the cycle. Seeking professional help, attending parenting workshops, and actively working on personal growth are vital steps towards creating a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

Dr. Michelle Carter, Therapist said “Breaking the cycle of violence requires conscious effort and a commitment to healing. Parents must be willing to break free from the chains of their own past.” –

 Community initiatives

Communities must come together to create initiatives that address domestic violence, provide support to families in crisis, and educate parents on effective parenting strategies.

 Mental health awareness

Raising awareness about mental health is crucial. It is imperative to remove the stigma associated with seeking help, ensuring that individuals and families have access to the support they need. Beyond the household, the education system plays a pivotal role in shaping societal values. Integrating emotional intelligence education in schools can equip the younger generation with the tools to navigate emotions constructively. It’s not just about academic excellence but also about cultivating emotionally resilient individuals.


In the wake of the tragic incident in Karachi, the responsibility falls upon us as individuals, parents, and members of a community to reassess our values and actions. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words echo, reminding us that hate and violence only perpetuate more of the same. The path forward is clear – fostering compassion, breaking the cycle of violence, and equipping our children with the emotional tools they need to navigate life’s complexities. Let this tragedy be a catalyst for change, a wake-up call to prioritize love, understanding, and a commitment to building a safer and more compassionate world for generations to come.

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