Book Banned for Containing Objectionable Materials: Notification

Tue Nov 22 2022
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LAHORE: Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board has banned a textbook “Ayena Imraniyat” for intermediate classes for allegedly publishing objectionable materials, a notification of the department said on Tuesday.

According to the notification issued by Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the book has been banned for violating “section 10 (1) (2 a) of the PCTB Act, 2015”. The department said, “the book was published without prior permission and approval of the text board”.  It added that the book contains serious mistakes in the content.

MD Punjab Board Dr. Farooq Manzoor told the media that the board issued a show cause notice to the private publisher for publishing the book without prior permission. He said that the book is not part of the curriculum issued by the Punjab Textbook Board.   

Published objectionable materials in textbook

On the other hand, Senator of JUI-F Maulana Atta Ur Rehman on Tuesday tabled a call attention notice in the Senate over the matter. He said that he wanted to bring the House’s attention to this important subject because a book allegedly published some objectionable materials to target the moral values of the country’s youth.

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