China Increases Internet Censorship During Key Political Meeting

Sun Mar 10 2024
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BEIJING: China intensifies efforts to block VPN software enabling access to banned websites during the “Two Sessions” political meeting, leading to increased censorship and outages, reports a major VPN service provider.

The Liechtenstein-based VPN service Astrill confirms heightened censorship during the Two Sessions, with some VPN protocols non-functional and no estimated time for restoration, highlighting challenges for internet users in mainland China.

Despite VPN use being illegal without government authorization, state media workers and diplomats are allowed access to prohibited websites, emphasizing a double standard in internet access within China.

Security measures tighten in Beijing during the Two Sessions, with increased patrols, sniffer dogs, and social media monitoring, underscoring the government’s efforts to maintain control and suppress dissenting voices.

Chinese social media platform Weibo swiftly censors sensitive topics related to the political meeting, including discussions about the cancellation of a press conference by the country’s premier and economic concerns facing the middle class.

President Xi Jinping’s remarks last year underscore the Communist Party’s commitment to strengthening internet control, emphasizing state governance of cyberspace and discouraging foreign news consumption about China.

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