Did PDM Govt Halt Construction Work on Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital in Karachi?

Sat Aug 12 2023
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ISLAMABAD: A viral video circulating online falsely claims that construction work on the Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital in Karachi has been halted by the coalition government. The claims are being attributed to the opposition PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement) and PPP (Pakistan People’s Party).

The video, which has garnered tens of thousands of views, features an incomplete and abandoned building, with a voiceover asserting that construction on the hospital has been stopped, blaming the PDM government and PPP for targeting projects in Karachi.

Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital Administer Refutes False Claims

However, these claims have been debunked by the hospital administration. Dr. Faisal Sultan, CEO of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centers, confirmed that construction work on the hospital is ongoing and has not been halted. He clarified that construction began in 2019 and is expected to be completed sometime in 2024.

Dr. Sultan acknowledged that there might be delays due to various factors, including supply chain disruptions, but emphasized that the hospital project is still progressing. He also refuted the social media claims that the hospital was scheduled to open on August 14, stating that no such announcement had been made.

The false claims circulating on social media misrepresent the status of the Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital construction and wrongly attribute its alleged halt to political motivations.

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