Efficiency of Blue-Light Blocking Glasses Questioned

Fri Aug 18 2023
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MELBOURNE: A recent study has questioned the efficiency of the blue-light blocking glasses, widely used to reduce eye strain and enhance sleep.

According to the analysis the glasses might not provide the expected benefits to the users.

The Blue-light blocking glasses, created to save eyes from the effect of the blue rays emitting from screens are very popular among the people.

However, a recent meta-analysis said that their ability to reduce eye strain and enhance better sleep is limited.

Efficiency of Blue-Light Blocking Glasses Questioned

According to western media the study was conducted at The University of Melbourne by professor Laura Downie, an expert in optometry and vision sciences.

During the analysis, controlled tests examining the impact of blue-light glasses on eye health, vision, and sleep quality were carried out.

The results revealed that the evidence supporting the efficacy of these glasses is limited. Some short-term studies did show some minor relief from eye strain, but overall consensus suggested that the glasses’ impact on eye strain is not significant.

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Experts say the two reasons behind the low efficacy of these glasses are, that screens emit relatively low levels of blue light, secondly the glasses themselves only block a small percentage of this light.

Regarding glasses impact on sleep, the analysis said it varies from person to person and change in sleep habits can improve the quality of the sleep.

Dr Bhanuprakash Kolla, a sleep medicine specialist says the content being watched on screens and sleep habits have a more impact on sleep quality as compared to blue light.

As for the Blue-light blocking glasses, experts conclude that though they are harmless but they are unbale to provide benefits.

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