Exercise an Easy Way to Avoid Memory Loss

Wed Mar 08 2023
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Staff report

ISLAMABAD: Memory loss becomes a problem with unhealthy lifestyles and aging, but recently experts have revealed an easy way to prevent it.

A British university recently found that exercising once a month can improve memory.

In this regard, University College London scientists examined the habits of 1400 people over 30. The university prepared a questionnaire for people between the ages of 36 and 69 in which people of different ages were asked questions about their daily lives.

Volunteers tested on memory loss

When the subjects were 69 years old, volunteers were tested on their memory, attention, language, and communication skills. Based on the results of these people’s responses and ability tests, university scientists said those with better memory appeared to be relatively more active and exercised one to four times a month.

Scientists said that exercise could be badminton, swimming, fitness exercises, yoga, dancing, football, jogging, and even brisk walking.

It should be noted that the same scientists’ previous research revealed that exercise reduces the risk of memory problems in a person by 33 percent.

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