Fatal Pile-Up in Dense Fog Claims Two Lives in Kamalia

Mon Jan 15 2024
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KAMALIA: Tragedy struck near Kamalia town in the Toba Tek Singh district of Punjab as a massive pile-up involving multiple vehicles occurred in dense fog, resulting in at least two fatalities, including a woman, and several others sustaining injuries.

The collision, attributed to very low visibility caused by dense fog in Punjab, led to the immediate loss of two lives at the accident site, as reported by Rescue 1122. Emergency response personnel from Rescue 1122 promptly reached the scene, providing assistance and transporting the injured to a nearby hospital.

Expressing condolences, the Chief Minister of Punjab conveyed grief over the unfortunate incident and requested a comprehensive report from the concerned authorities. The fatal pile-up underscores the hazards posed by adverse weather conditions, emphasizing the need for caution and appropriate safety measures during foggy periods on roadways.


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