Germany Criticizes Pope Francis’s Ukraine ‘White Flag’ Remarks

Mon Mar 11 2024
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FRANKFURT: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Monday sharply criticized Pope Francis’s call for Ukraine to negotiate with Moscow, saying she didn’t “understand” his stance.

Baerbock expressed her disagreement with the pontiff’s stance during a talk show on public broadcaster ARD, stating that she found it difficult to comprehend his position.

Baerbock, who has visited Kyiv multiple times since the conflict began, emphasized the importance of understanding the realities faced by the Ukrainian people, particularly children affected by the war. She questioned the absence of the Pope in acknowledging the suffering of the Ukrainian population.

Asserting the need for strength and solidarity with Ukraine, Baerbock highlighted the importance of supporting the country in its defense against aggression. She underscored the significance of standing by Ukraine and providing assistance to ensure its ability to defend itself.

The criticism extended beyond Baerbock, as a spokesman for Chancellor Olaf Scholz also distanced the German government from the pope’s remarks. The spokesman emphasized that Chancellor Scholz did not share the pope’s opinion and reiterated Germany’s commitment to supporting Ukraine in defending itself against the aggressor.

Germany, the second-largest supplier of military aid to Ukraine after the United States, faces mounting pressure to provide additional support, including the delivery of long-range Taurus cruise missiles. However, Chancellor Scholz has refrained from escalating the conflict, citing concerns about potential repercussions.

Meanwhile, Ukraine swiftly responded to the pope’s appeal, with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba affirming that the country would never surrender. President Volodymyr Zelensky echoed this sentiment, highlighting the unity among Ukrainians of all faiths in defending their country against Russian aggression.

Russia Views Pope’s Ukraine Plea as Addressed to Western Allies

Meanwhile, Russia has responded to Pope Francis’s call for talks to end the war in Ukraine, interpreting it as a request for Kyiv’s Western allies to reassess their stance and acknowledge their role in the conflict.

The statement, reported by Italy’s ANSA news agency, suggests that Moscow views the Pope’s plea as an appeal for the West to abandon its ambitions against Russia and recognize its purported mistakes regarding the Ukraine war.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova emphasized that the West has been using Ukraine as a tool to pursue its ambitions of weakening Russia. She stated that Russia has not obstructed negotiations and portrayed the situation in Ukraine as reaching a deadlock.

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