Hollywood Actors Join Screenwriters’ Historic Strike

Fri Jul 14 2023
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LONDON: In a remarkable display of solidarity, renowned Hollywood actors have pledged their support to an ongoing strike initiated by screenwriters, propelling the industry into an unprecedented upheaval not witnessed in more than 60 years.

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has taken a bold stance, demanding streaming giants accede to a more equitable profit-sharing model and improved working conditions.

At the stroke of midnight, a staggering 160,000 performers will lay down their tools, effectively bringing the lion’s share of film and television productions in the United States to an abrupt halt. Distinguished luminaries such as Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, and Emily Blunt, departing the London premiere of Christopher Nolan’s cinematic masterpiece “Oppenheimer,” exemplified the gravity of the strike declaration, according to the BBC.

The SAG walkout, slated to commence at midnight Los Angeles time (08:00 BST), will inaugurate picketing activities outside Netflix’s California headquarters on Friday morning, subsequently cascading to Paramount, Warner Bros, and Disney. Spearheaded by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), the union fervently espouses an additional imperative—ensuring that artificial intelligence (AI) and computer-generated facades and voices are not utilized as replacements for human actors.

AMPTP criticizes strike

The consortium representing the studios, commonly known as the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), vehemently criticized the decision, expressing disappointment with the turn of events. It proclaimed, “A strike is undoubtedly an undesirable outcome, as studios are utterly reliant on the performers who imbue our television shows and films with life.” The statement further lamented that the union had seemingly chosen a path that would engender financial hardship for a multitude of industry-dependent individuals.

The ramifications of this standoff between two titanic entities are far-reaching and encompass multifaceted repercussions. As this milestone strike commences, the entertainment industry finds itself precariously balanced on a precipice, its future teetering on the brink of uncertainty. Amid the colossal disruption, it remains to be seen whether compromise and conciliation will ultimately triumph over rigid positions and divergent interests.

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