How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Ramadan? Here are 5 Tips

Tue Mar 12 2024
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ISLAMABAD: As the holy month of Ramadan begins, people preparing to observe fasting may find themselves concerned about maintaining their health and fitness during this period of religious observance.

With long hours of fasting and irregular meal timings, some may experience low energy levels and concerns about weight gain. To address these challenges, here are five tips to help faithful stay fit and healthy during Ramadan.

Schedule Workouts Wisely

Plan to exercise during non-fasting hours, such as after iftar (breaking the fast) or before sihar (pre-dawn meal). Restock energy levels with nutritious food and water before and after workouts to support physical activity.

Incorporate Strength Training

Maintain muscle mass and strength by incorporating strength training exercises into your routine. Basic bodyweight exercises like planks, squats, lunges, and push-ups can be performed at home without the need for equipment.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels during fasting hours and adjust your workout intensity accordingly. Opt for lighter activities or less intense workouts if you experience fatigue or low energy levels.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water during non-fasting hours to stay hydrated. Adequate hydration supports physical performance and energy levels, helping you avoid dehydration-related issues during workouts.

Eat Balanced Meals

Choose balanced meals during iftar and sihar, incorporating healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and lean proteins. These nutrients provide sustained energy, support muscle repair and growth, and help maintain satiety throughout the fasting period.

By following these tips, people observing fasting during Ramadan can prioritize their health and fitness while honoring their religious practices. Incorporating regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate hydration into their routine can help them stay active and energetic throughout the holy month.

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