India Played Wicked Role in Pakistan’s Dismemberment in 1971: Report

Sat Dec 16 2023
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ISLAMABAD: India’s detrimental role in the breakup of Pakistan in 1971 is an acknowledged fact, with its involvement in arming, training, and inciting the Mukti Bahini being a significant factor in the formation of Bangladesh.

According to a report by Kashmir Media Service released on Saturday (today), Indian leaders, including the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, have openly admitted India’s role in the breakup of Pakistan in 1971.

It said India is fueling its hatred for Pakistan into the hearts and minds of Bangladeshi people by reviving fabricated and twisted ills of 1971, adding that its meddling in the internal affairs of Bangladesh began the day it was founded in 1971.

The report stated that the Bharatiya Janata Party’s hostility against Muslims is demonstrated by the increase in Islamophobia in India under Modi. It claimed that the All India Muslim League, the organization that supported Pakistan, was founded in Dhaka in 1906.

Despite claims by Indira Gandhi in 1971, the report asserts that Bangladesh has continued to maintain its Muslim identity, challenging the notion that the Two-Nation Theory was extinguished in the Bay of Bengal.

The report laments India’s increased meddling in the internal affairs of neighboring countries, including Bangladesh, under the Modi-led government. It calls for Pakistan and Bangladesh to forge a new chapter in their relations to counteract Indian hegemonic designs.

The report urges Bangladesh to recognize India’s role in creating discord between Islamabad and Dhaka, cautioning against India’s influence on Bangladesh to further its hegemonic ambitions in South Asia. It laments that the Indian leadership has not accepted Pakistan since its inception in 1947 and continues to sow discord through proxies.

It is worth noting that December 16 is commemorated as the creation of Bangladesh and the disintegration of Pakistan. —APP

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