Indonesian Ambassador Advocates Women’s Education in Muslim Countries

Tue Nov 21 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Indonesian Ambassador Adam Tugio on Tuesday emphasized the crucial role of females’ education, especially for Muslims, during a pre-departure meeting with Pakistani delegates heading to Indonesia.

He urged the incorporation of advanced education alongside religious teachings, underlining Indonesia’s commitment to empowering women in various Muslim countries through progressive social and economic programs, focusing on modern education.

Ambassador Tugio voiced concerns about girls’ education in Afghanistan, underlining the Indonesian government’s commitment to allocating scholarships specifically for Afghan girls in their educational institutions to elevate their standards to a global level.

He advocated for educational reforms in both public schools and madrassas across Muslim countries, aiming to enable them to compete with advanced nations at the forefront of science and technology.

Ambassador Highlights Religious Scholars’ Role

Recognizing the inherent importance of religious scholars and leaders within the international Muslim society, the envoy stressed their crucial inclusion in national policymaking.

He advocated for the government’s active engagement with them to make policies that serve the country’s best interests, citing family planning as a pertinent example.

Moreover, he underscored the significance of involving leaders from other faiths to foster an atmosphere of interfaith harmony.

Meanwhile, President Muhammad Israr Madani of the International Religious Council for Religious Affairs, leading the delegation to Indonesia, underlined that this visit would facilitate the exchange of exemplary democratic practices, alongside addressing important concerns such as education and social cohesion within the framework of the ‘Religious Diplomacy Program.’

He said that this collaborative initiative in Indonesia would bolster the relations between Pakistani and Indonesian institutions and experts.

Israr showed optimism that any concerns related to democracy and the democratic system would be effectively addressed, empowering participants to actively promote democratic ideologies and values within their respective communities.

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