Joint Session of Parliament To Be Held Today

Mon Mar 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: A joint session of the parliament will be held on Monday to discuss security situation, economic challenges, and matters of national importance, local media reported on Sunday.

As per media reports an eight points agenda for the discussion of joint session has been issued. This joint session would be noteworthy as it marks the first time PTI lawmakers to attend since the change of government. The PTI lawmakers would also hold their own parliamentary party meeting before the start of joint session of the parliament.

The opposition leader in Senate had also summoned a meeting of PTI lawmakers in this regard. The session will also be held at 2 pm on Monday at parliament house. The meeting will likely formulate a joint strategy for joint session of parliament.

The joint parliamentary meeting will discuss the country’s foreign policy, economy, and social media abuse against the country’s institutions. The session will be held a tense political environment, particularly after Imran Khan’s court appearances and the police action at Zaman Park, Lahore.

Sources suggest a debate on law and order situation will also take place during the session. Sources added that Climate change and over population are also parts of the agenda of the joint session of the country’s parliament.

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