MBS Lead Efforts for Palestinian Relief

Tue Oct 17 2023
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Naveed Miraj

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As the Palestinian people endure escalating violence and hardships, Saudi Arabia stands as a beacon of hope, actively advocating for their rights and well-being. Through diplomatic initiatives and international engagement, the Kingdom is playing a leading role in addressing the crisis and pursuing a peaceful resolution.

At the forefront of these efforts is Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, who ever since the break out of hostilities in the Middle East, has engaged with different regional leaders on the telephone, emphasizing the critical need to protect civilian lives and adhere to international humanitarian law.

During conversations with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbass, King Abdullah II of Jordan, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, the Crown Prince reaffirmed the Kingdom’s enduring support for the Palestinian people, underscoring Saudi Arabia’s dedication to fostering a just and dignified existence for all Palestinians. Muhammad Bin Salman also reached out to President Ebrahim Raisi, during which both leaders emphasized the urgent need to halt the war crimes against Palestine.

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The active efforts on the part of Saudi leadership to engage with international and regional stakeholders to de-escalate the crisis and promote peace are in line with the aspirations of the Muslim Ummah, which cannot remain aloof when pain and miseries are inflicted on the innocent and oppressed Palestinian people. By strongly raising its voice, the Kingdom has once again proved itself as the true leader of the Islamic world. It is also a fact that Muslims around the world look towards the KSA whenever they are faced with a predicament.

The Kingdom has always been a vocal advocate for a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its leadership firmly asserts that there is no alternative to the two-state solution. Despite growing pessimism surrounding this option, their efforts are dedicated to reviving hope in the two-state solution and placing it at the forefront of international discussions.

Now, at the invitation of Saudi Arabia, which chairs the current session of the Islamic Summit and the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Organization’s Executive Committee has convened an urgent open-ended extraordinary meeting at the ministerial level on Wednesday in Jeddah, to address the escalating military situation in Gaza and its environs as well as the deteriorating conditions that endanger the lives of civilians and the overall security and stability of the region. We expect that the extraordinary session will come up with a concrete plan of action beyond the condemnation statement to truly reflect the aspirations of the Muslim Ummah on this lingering conflict. A strong message of support for Palestinians should resonate from this platform, which is the collective voice of Muslim Ummah.

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As Saudi Arabia takes a leading role in advocating for peace and stability in the Middle East, it is imperative for other important capitals, especially Washington, to approach the matter responsibly. The Saudi call for global engagement to end hostilities in the Middle East must not go unnoticed but needs to be pursued holistically to bring an end to current bloodshed. Rather than supporting the oppressor and providing it with military equipment to inflict more pain and agony on the already oppressed people, a responsible approach would be to promote diplomatic solutions, humanitarian aid, and peace negotiations.

The US enjoys great influence on Israel, and it is essential that this influence is leveraged in a responsible and constructive manner to de-escalate the situation and support the pursuit to a just and lasting peace By encouraging dialogue, negotiation, and a renewed commitment to a two-state solution, the US can contribute to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The UN is already warning of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. It is time to act and act decisively while rising above any expediency to stop this to happen- otherwise, the consequences will be dire for global peace and security. Muslims around the world are standing in complete solidarity with the Palestinian people, and if the Western countries allowed the massacre of Palestinians at the hands of the Jewish government, this will only add to anti-west sentiments in the Muslim world.

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