Myanmar Witnesses Highest April Temperature Amid Heatwave

Mon Apr 29 2024
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YANGON: Myanmar has experienced its highest-ever April temperature, reaching a scorching 48.2°C, according to authorities on April 29, as the nation grapples with a relentless heatwave. The mercury soared to the record-setting temperature in the town of Chauk, situated in central Myanmar’s Magway region, marking the highest April temperature recorded in the country since records began 56 years ago.

The intense heatwave also affected other parts of Myanmar, with temperatures reaching 40°C in the commercial hub of Yangon and 44°C in the second city of Mandalay on the same day. Residents in Chauk described the extreme conditions, with one person noting that the heat was so intense that most people opted to stay indoors, unable to engage in regular activities due to the oppressive heat.

The surge in temperatures across Myanmar’s arid heartland has been significant, with daytime temperatures on April 25 exceeding the April average by 3 to 4°C, as reported by the country’s weather monitor. This unprecedented heatwave underscores the broader trend of rising global temperatures, with the World Meteorological Organization highlighting Asia’s rapid warming pace and the increasingly severe impacts of heatwaves in the region.

Scientific research has consistently demonstrated the role of climate change in exacerbating heatwaves, making them longer, more frequent, and more intense. Against the backdrop of these findings, Myanmar’s record-breaking April temperature serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for climate action to mitigate the escalating impacts of global warming.




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