Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion in Winter Season

Sun Dec 10 2023
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ISLAMABAD: As winter brings chilly temperatures and the risk of chest congestion rises, Dr. Umme Raheel, a well-known Pakistani naturopathic, shared a set of quick and natural home remedies to prevent and treat chest congestion during the winter season.

Incorporate these effective home remedies into your routine for a healthier and more comfortable winter.

Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a quarter teaspoon of black pepper powder. Consume this mixture first thing in the morning.

Prepare a tea using ginger and liquorice by boiling them in two cups of water. Strain the tea and drink half an hour before breakfast and again at night before going to bed.

Use eucalyptus oil to prevent mucus formation. You can use it in the form of a candle, put a few drops in a diffuser, or apply it at the back of the ears.

Prepare a mixture with butter or cooking oil and turmeric powder. Mix it in warm milk and drink it before going to bed to help clear out mucus.

Plain betel leaf tea is effective for maintaining a clear throat and voice. Keep sipping hot water and other beverages throughout the day.

These natural remedies not only aid in preventing chest congestion but also contribute to overall well-being during the winter season. Incorporate these simple practices into your daily routine to enjoy a healthier and happier winter.



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