Terrorist Groups Will be Dealt Severely: PM Shehbaz Pledges

Wed Dec 21 2022
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By Staff Reporter 

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has strongly condemned the terrorist incidents that occurred throughout Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa in recent weeks.

In a statement on Wednesday, he said that attempts to sow chaos in Pakistan through terrorism would be met with a harsh penalty. Terrorism is a sensitive national security issue, so collective thinking and action plans are required, he added.

He stated unequivocally that the state would not submit to any terrorist organization. He promised to collaborate with the provinces in the fight against terrorism. To end terrorism in the nation, he declared that the National Action Plan would be fully implemented.

While the federal government will help to improve the professional capacity of counter-terrorism departments in all provinces, it is crucial to boost the capacity and effectiveness of the provincial government to eradicate terrorism.

He said that to restructure the Counter Terrorism Department, the federal government will collaborate with the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government. He promised to provide the CTD department with all amenities, including cutting-edge weapons.

PM Shehbaz 

According to Shehbaz Sharif, the federal government will also deal with the external facilitation of terrorists who spread and support it in Pakistan. Appreciating the strong response from the military, he declared that by supporting its valiant forces, the entire country would end terrorism. According to the PM, the martyrs’ sacrifices won’t be in vain. To end terrorism in the nation, operations like Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad were crucial.

He said that we must never forget the enormous sacrifices that the armed forces, police, rangers, and other law enforcement agencies made on behalf of the motherland. The prime minister claimed that the provinces bear primary responsibility for maintaining law and order, but the federal government cannot remain silent about these grave problems.

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