Online Safety Guide for Pakistani Victims of Hacking and Blackmail

Sun Oct 29 2023
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ISLAMABAD: With Pakistan boasting the highest teledensity in the region and affordable high-speed internet, a significant portion of the population is online, making the country’s internet landscape vibrant yet challenging, especially for women. As the online space becomes increasingly hostile, particularly for women who often bear the brunt of harassment, it is essential to prioritize digital safety.

To aid victims of hacking and blackmail, here are seven crucial steps designed to empower users and protect them against online threats:

Strong Passwords and Two-Step Verification

Select robust passwords and change them regularly. Utilize two-step verification on platforms offering this feature to enhance security. Different passwords for different accounts minimize risks.

Report Hacking Incidents

Immediately report hacking incidents to relevant websites. Swift response is pivotal. Alert family and friends to prevent them from interacting with compromised accounts.

Do Not Yield to Blackmail

In cases of blackmail, resist yielding to the blackmailer’s demands, as compliance might not guarantee safety. Blackmailers could strike again, posing ongoing threats.

Report to FIA’s NR3C

Report cyber harassment or blackmailing incidents to Federal Investigation Agency’s National Response Centre for Cybercrime (FIA’s NR3C). Provide details and evidence to initiate official action against the criminal. FIA’s helpline: 9911.

Support Network and Authorities

If underage or unable to involve family, seek assistance from teachers, friends, or guardians. Establish a support network to help report the crime. Report incidents at relevant institutions where the attacker is affiliated.

Strengthen Legal Support and Raise Awareness

Encourage collaborative efforts between the government and civil society to bolster legal frameworks against cybercrime. Prioritize awareness initiatives, ensuring proactive legal remedies and robust support systems for victims.

Empower Through Education

Promote digital literacy and internet safety education, particularly among vulnerable populations. Empowering individuals with knowledge is key to creating a secure online environment.


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