Pakistan, Afghanistan Agree to Resolve Border Issues Through Talks

Wed Dec 21 2022
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Monitoring Desk
Pakistan and Afghanistan on Tuesday agreed to resolve fencing and border issues through bilateral consultations and contacts. The development came days after several days of hostility at the Pak-Afghan Chaman border.

During a flag meeting between authorities of Pakistan and Afghanistan at the Chaman Friendship Gate after the successful intervention of the tribal elders who were tasked with ending hostilities between Afghanistan and Pakistan’s border security forces.

Afghanistan Agrees to Resolve Border Issues

Pakistan, Afghanistan Agree to Resolve Border Issues Through Talks

According to a local Pakistani television channel, high-level military and civil officials attended the meeting. The meeting was also attended by deputy commissioners of Afghanistan’s Spin Boldak and Pakistan’s Chaman district.

Ulemas and elders also participated in the conciliatory meeting between the two countries. Both sides also agreed to resolve border issues through bilateral talks and consultation.

The Pakistani officials said that the Afghan delegation condemned the Chaman incident and expressed deep sorrow over the loss of lives and property in the Chaman area of Pakistan.

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The Afghan delegation also acknowledged the sacrifices of the Pakistani security forces and the Pakistani nation for Afghanistan.

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