Pakistan Day Celebrated with Spirit, Fervor in China

Thu Mar 23 2023
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BEIJING: Pakistan’s embassy in China celebrated Pakistan Day with great spirit and fervor on Thursday.

Pakistan Day commemorates the historic passing of the Lahore Resolution on 23 March 1940, when the All-India Muslim League demanded a separate state for the Muslims of British India.

The ceremony commenced with the soulful recitation of the Holy Quran.  Moin ul Haque, Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, raised the national flag with the tune of the national anthem.

On the occasion, the special messages of Presided Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif were also read out.

Pakistan Day message

Addressing the ceremony, ambassador Amin ul Haque paid tribute to the relentless struggle of father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other founding great leaders of the freedom movement.

He said that 83 years ago, Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented the demand for an independent Muslim homeland in the subcontinent. With the support of millions of Muslims, the dream of independence came true on 14 August 1947.

In his address, ambassador Haque also highlighted Pak-China relations. He said that Pakistan and China were time-tested friends, and strategic partners and both countries were on the path of taking friendship to an even higher level in the future.

He commended the Chinese government and people for extending unprecedented support during the devastating floods last year in Pakistan. –APP

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