Pink Eye: 15,105 New Cases Reported in Punjab

Fri Sep 29 2023
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LAHORE: Punjab has witnessed a significant rise in conjunctivitis cases with a total of 15,105 new infections reported over the past twenty-four hours across the province.

According to a report released by the Primary and Secondary Health Department of Punjab on Friday, so far 379,690 cases of eye infections were reported across 36 districts of Punjab during the current year.

Cases in Punjab’s cities

Lahore, reported 916 new conjunctivitis cases during the last 24 hours, while Bahawalpur recorded 3,324, Multan 1,217, Faisalabad 1,827 and Rawalpindi witnessed 242 new cases of eye flu.

The Healthcare Department advised that conjunctivitis typically resolves on its own within eight to ten days. To reduce the risk of infection and aid recovery, it was suggested to maintain proper eye hygiene, including regular washing with clean water, shielding from dust and dirt, and protection from intense sunlight.

Moreover, individuals with eye infections should keep their towels and clothing separate from those of others to prevent potential transmission.

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