Press Freedom Declining in India Since Modi’s Rise to Power: Report

Sun Oct 01 2023
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NEW DELHI: The Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian regime is trampling basic principles of press freedom which has been declining since Modi’s rise to power in 2014.

A report released by Kashmir Media Service on Sunday revealed that lawsuits, killings, and intimidation of journalists are a common feature in Narendra Modi’s India as different intimidating tactics are being used to harass media workers.

It said India under Modi has made laws to increase government surveillance and impact media freedom, adding there is a growing trend of intimidation and judicial harassment against those journalists who do not toe the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) line and are booked under draconian laws for speaking the truth.

The report lamented that since August 5, 2019, journalists have reported an intensified crackdown by authorities in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Media policy introduced in May 2020 is meant to further muzzle media in the territory, it deplored.

The report said that India, under Narendra Modi, continues to slide down the World Press Freedom Index and since Modi became prime minister in 2014, the country has slipped in rank from 140 to 150 in the Index of 180 countries.

Networks Shutdown in India

It said Modi’s India is responsible for ordering the highest number of network shutdowns in the world, adding most of the mainstream media organizations in the country have been corrupted by BJP and are run by Indian agencies.

The report further said many mainstream media outlets in India are owned by BJP and RSS business tycoons who work for Hindutva policies. The Modi regime is also targeting free media to hide its crimes against religious minorities.

The report added the international community must put pressure on the Narendra Modi regime to stop expanding its control over the press through the use of draconian laws.

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