“Restaurant of Love” Serves Meals and Hope to Capital’s Homeless

Sat Feb 10 2024
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TUNIS: In the heart of Tunis, at the entrance to the local zoo, Leila, a 50-year-old homeless woman, awaits a warm meal from the city’s renowned “Restaurant of Love.” She has been living on the streets for over 27 years, finding solace in her makeshift shelter despite the inherent dangers. Every Friday night, volunteers from NGOs Universelle and Samu Social bring food and clothing, offering a glimpse of compassion in an otherwise challenging existence.

The “Restaurant of Love,” initiated by Universelle three years ago, serves as a beacon of hope for Tunis’ growing homeless population. This charitable endeavor provides affordable meals for all, with the option for homeless individuals to dine for free. Nizar Khadhari, head of Universelle, emphasizes that all profits are reinvested to aid the homeless, fostering opportunities for integration into society.

Tunisia’s economic struggles, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and global unrest, have exacerbated poverty rates, particularly in urban centers. With limited state resources, NGOs play a crucial role in supporting vulnerable communities. The “Restaurant of Love” symbolizes collective empathy, as paying customers contribute to the welfare of others while enjoying their meals.

As Tunisia grapples with socioeconomic challenges, initiatives like the “Restaurant of Love” offer not just sustenance but also a glimmer of hope for those enduring hardship on the streets.

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