Strategic Meeting Aims to Boost International Employment Opportunities for Pakistanis

Sat Dec 09 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Jawad Sohrab Malik, the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (OP&HRD), convened a crucial meeting with Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs) stationed abroad. The central focus of this strategic meeting was to explore avenues that would strategically enhance job opportunities for Pakistanis on the global stage.

Presently, the Government of Pakistan has deployed 21 CWAs across various locations abroad. The primary agenda of the meeting was to assess and enhance the effectiveness of CWAs in identifying and capitalizing on targeted employment opportunities for Pakistani nationals. This involves establishing connections with foreign employers through the formulation, signing, and execution of Letters of Intent (LOIs) and agreements—a pivotal step in augmenting the export of Pakistani manpower.

During the meeting, SAPM Jawad Sohrab Malik underscored the critical need for a robust collaboration between CWAs and the Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development. This collaboration aims to facilitate the exchange of information regarding employment demands abroad and the essential skills required for those specific jobs. Such collaboration is integral to designing tailored training programs that align Pakistani workers with global standards, ensuring they are well-equipped for international employment.

Malik highlighted the dual impact of this initiative, emphasizing its role not only in expanding employment opportunities for Pakistanis abroad but also in contributing significantly to the economic growth of the nation. He stressed the essential role played by CWAs in addressing the needs and challenges faced by overseas Pakistanis during their stay abroad. This holistic approach aims to ensure the well-being and seamless integration of Pakistani expatriates in their host countries.

“The Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development remains committed to spearheading initiatives that strengthen global employment prospects for Pakistanis. This strategic meeting represents a substantial step toward realizing this vision and underscores the Ministry’s dedication to the welfare and prosperity of overseas Pakistanis,” stated SAPM Jawad Sohrab Malik at the conclusion of the meeting.

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