Sudan Army Chief’s Son Injured in Road Accident

Fri Mar 08 2024
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ANKARA: The son of army chief of Sudan and leader of the African state Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan has been seriously injured in a road accident in Turkiye.

According to reported Mohammed Fattah Al-Burhan Rahmane was riding his motorbike in Turkiye’s capital, Ankara, when he collided with a vehicle and was thrown many meters high in the year.

He was shifted to a hospital in a critical condition.

Burhan has been at loggerheads with his former deputy, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, who commands the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) since April last year.

The two top military officials fell out after a joint 2021 military coup that removed Sudan’s democratic transition.

According to United Nations experts, tens of thousands have killed in the conflict including up to 15,000 in a single West Darfur town,

The UN says the conflict has also affected the economy of the African state, destroyed infrastructure and forced over eight million people from their homes.

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