Three Tanzanian Soldiers Killed in Mortar Fire in DR Congo

Tue Apr 09 2024
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GOMA: Three Tanzanian soldiers have been killed in a Mortar fire in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, official said on Monday.

The soldiers were part of a southern Africa force deployed to assist government troops fighting M23 rebels.

The regional force sent troops to North Kivu province in December to help Kinshasa retake control of the areas from the M23 militia in the lawless region.

The force comprises of soldiers from South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi.

The 10-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) in a statement said the tragic incident happened after a hostile mortar round fell near the camp.

According to the statement a security personnel from South Africa has also died in hospital while being treated for health issues.

After several years of dormancy, the mostly-Tutsi M23 group took up weapons in late 2021 and has seized vast areas of North Kivu province.

The region has been facing violence since regional wars started in the 1990s.

DRC, UN Accuse Rwanda of supporting rebels

The DRC, the UN and Western nations blame Rwanda for supporting the rebels in a move to control the region’s vast mineral resources region.

The UN mission in Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) is also being withdrawn.

The 15,000 UN troops deployed in the central African country began to leave in February at the request of the Kinshasa government.

The withdrawal of the UN forces is expected to be completed by the end of the year.


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