UNHCR Praises Swiss Funding for Welfare of Refugees in Pakistan

Fri Dec 16 2022
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ISLAMABAD: The Government of Switzerland’s contribution of $5.6 million received UNHCR’s praise on Friday for providing to Pakistan to better upgrade the livelihoods and education needs of host communities and refugees in Pakistan, over a period of four years.

The Swiss Development Cooperation together with the South and Swiss Humanitarian Aid coordinated with the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration to formulate a pilot the multiple-year funded program in which combine humanitarian and development sources of funding.

Swiss funding’s first recipient is UNHCR Pakistan


The UNHCR Pakistan was the first recipient of this mixed funding, said a UNCHR statement.

The Swiss funds focus on Pakistani and refugees’ children and youth, ensuring their right to participation, and quality education, to enhance their prospects for life and work and protection.

This includes removing financial barriers to school attendance, improving school infrastructure, and supporting children at risk of school dropout, including girls and children with special needs to access quality education.

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