US-China Trade Tensions: Beijing Hits Back at Biden’s Accusations

Thu Apr 18 2024
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BEIJING: Beijing responded sharply on Thursday to recent accusations by President Joe Biden, labeling the US as hypocritical and questioning whether Biden’s criticisms were more reflective of domestic issues within the U.S. itself.

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, challenged Biden’s remarks, posing the question: “Are you talking about China or the US itself?” This retort came after Biden’s speech to union members in which he advocated for increased tariffs on Chinese steel, alleging unfair trade practices and government subsidies benefiting Chinese companies.

During his address, Biden characterized Chinese steel companies as “cheating,” asserting that their operations were heavily subsidized by the Chinese government, allowing them to operate without concern for profitability. He further emphasized the need for fair competition, expressing a desire for equitable trade relations rather than conflict.

Tensions between the US and China have been heightened over the past several years, encompassing disputes ranging from technology and trade to human rights and geopolitical issues like Taiwan. Despite a recent meeting between Presidents Biden and Xi Jinping in San Francisco, relations remain strained, with both sides expressing concerns and differing views on key issues.

In response to the US initiating a probe into China’s trade practices within the shipbuilding, maritime, and logistics sectors, China’s commerce ministry condemned the investigation, labeling it as filled with “false accusations” and misinterpretations. The ministry characterized the probe as an attempt to shift blame for US industrial challenges onto China, rejecting allegations of harming US national security and corporate interests.

The ongoing friction underscores the complexities and challenges inherent in the US-China relationship, highlighting divergent perspectives on trade, technology, and strategic interests. As both nations navigate these tensions, the trajectory of bilateral relations remains a critical issue with far-reaching implications for global economic stability and geopolitical dynamics.

This response from Beijing signals continued friction in US-China relations, emphasizing the complexities and challenges inherent in the bilateral relationship.


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