Winter Tourism in Pakistan: Precious Earning Source for Locals

Sun Jan 14 2024
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GILGIT-BALTISTAN: A land of fascinating valleys, towering mountains, chilly deserts, vocal brooks and enchanting lakes – Gilgit Baltistan (GB) offers unlimited bounties of nature to visitors pouring in from across the country and the world.

Boasting of globe’s great mountain ranges -the Karakoram, Himalayan, and Hindukash, this region is also home to pride of Pakistan – the K-2 and Nanga Parbat, the second-largest glacier Siachen and the breathtaking Deosai plain located at 14,000 feet above sea level.

Winter Tourism

The marvel of Karakoram Highway carved via mountains, dozens of lakes scattered all cross GB and tall pines speak volumes of its beauty and serene atmosphere always admired by nature lovers.

But, despite loveable scene and all the natural beauty of the region, the potential for winter season tourism is yet to be completely tapped and numerous destinations are yet to be either fully explored or developed to attract more local and foreign tourists.

Winter Tourism in Pakistan: Precious Earning Source for Locals

Winter seasons in GB offers yet another chance to experience nature’s raw beauty via festivals, snowboarding, skiing, trekking and much more and being in some earing for the local people.

Living in a tough region, most of the region’s people usually bank upon earning from the sector of tourism, handicrafts and dry fruits among whom tourism offering them adequate dividend to keep the mare go.

Winter Tourism

According to Sports and Tourism secretary GB Asif Ullah Khan nearly 2 million local and foreign backpackers participated in various winter and summer festivities in 2023. He added that they are promoting winter activities and endeavor to keep this region open for tourists across the year to experience unique culture and traditions of the local people.

Ice hockey stands out as a popular winter season sport in Gilgit-Baltistan, with championships held in various districts in the area. It’s Rattu and Naltar areas are very famous for skiing, with the National Ski Championship also attracting international participants. Winter tourism season provides a unique opportunity for the local people to earn, but there is need more steps to be taken to boost the industry of tourism in the area.

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