Foods that are Hard to Digest

Sat Mar 11 2023
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Indigestion is part of human existence and an extremely common health problem. Digestion is an essential process for human bodies allowing absorption of nutrients from food to stay healthy.

However, some foods can be hard for some people to digest, causing symptoms such as abdominal bloating, gas, cramping, and nausea. Many foods can be difficult to digest for some people. If a person is suffering from digestive problems, he should take care that some of the foods may cause problems and should find ways to improve digestion.

Fried foods

The human body has difficulty digesting fried foods which can cause constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.

Spicy food

Spicy food items cause gas, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach pain. It is advised to avoid these foods, especially at dinner.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can cause digestive problems. Sorbitol is one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners to sweeten chewing gum and diet foods. This sweetener can cause diarrhea, gas, and bloating in those who eat the foods it contains.


Food items containing caffeine increase acid production in the stomach and can cause dehydration and diarrhea and thus leading to constipation. Caffeine should never be taken on an empty stomach.

Foods, Dairy, Tomato, Rice, Fruits, Stomach, Health, Coffee, Fried Food, Spicy Food

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Doughnuts, rice, pasta, pretzels, and bagels are foods that are high in carbohydrates and harmful to the body because these cause increased inflammation.

Processed food

Processed food items irritate the intestines with the presence of unnecessary preservatives and additives. These food items also cause gas, bloating, and cramping, such as bread, cheese, tofu, tuna, and canned beans.

Dairy products

Lactose can induce the development of bloating, gas, and in some cases, even nausea.

Acidic foods

Because of their acidic component, tomato sauce and citrus fruits can cause intestinal and stomach irritation. One should also avoid carbonated beverages, and excessive consumption of these foods should be avoided.

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