Indian Intelligence Agency Funding Anti-Pakistan Bollywood Movies Exposed

Mon Apr 17 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The recent premature release of a Bollywood movie portraying a fake surgical strike against Pakistan has revealed the involvement of the Indian intelligence agency Raw in promoting hostile narratives against its neighbouring country.

According to sources familiar with the matter, Raw not only provides financial support to filmmakers who produce anti-Pakistan content, but also supplies them with resources and guidance to create sensational and misleading stories.

The movie in question, titled “Pride of India Balakot Attack,” depicts a fictionalized version of events that allegedly took place on February 26, 2019, when Indian Air Force jets crossed the Line of Control and targeted a militant training camp in Balakot, Pakistan.

The Indian government claimed that the strike was a response to a suicide bombing in Indian-administered Kashmir that killed over 40 paramilitary soldiers on February 14, which it blamed on a Pakistan-based militant group.

However, the veracity of the Indian claims has been contested by Pakistan and many independent observers, who have pointed out the lack of credible evidence for the alleged casualties and damage caused by the Indian attack. Moreover, the Indian government’s decision to launch the strike without prior authorization from the international community or the Pakistani authorities has raised concerns about the violation of the UN Charter and the risk of escalation between two nuclear-armed states.

Bollywood continues to glorify Indian military despite debacle

Despite these criticisms, Bollywood has continued to produce movies and TV shows that glorify the Indian military and vilify Pakistan, often resorting to stereotypes and falsehoods to stir up nationalist sentiments.

The leaked script of “Pride of India Balakot Attack” reportedly shows how the film will use Modi’s speeches and tweets to boost his image as a strong and decisive leader while portraying Pakistan as a cowardly and treacherous enemy that deserves to be punished.

The director of the movie, Abhishek Dudhaiya, has sought permission from the Indian Ministry of Defense to proceed with the filming, which is expected to launch soon. However, some Indian activists and media outlets have criticized the movie for distorting the facts and promoting jingoism. They have called for a more nuanced and factual representation of the India-Pakistan conflict, which takes into account the human costs and complexities of the long-standing dispute.

The revelation of Raw’s role in backing Bollywood’s anti-Pakistan propaganda has added fuel to the debate about the politicization of the Indian film industry and the influence of the security establishment on creative freedom.

Some critics have accused Raw of promoting a narrow and chauvinistic view of the world that undermines India’s democratic values and harms its relations with its neighbors. Others have defended Raw’s right to support patriotic and pro-Indian content, as long as it does not violate the law or infringe on the rights of others.

As the controversy over the “Pride of India Balakot Attack” continues to simmer, it remains to be seen how the Indian government and the entertainment industry will respond to the growing demand for accountability and transparency in the media sector.

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