Islamabad Serena Hotel Hosts Iftar Dinner for Charity Schools

Sun Mar 24 2024
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ISLAMABAD: In a heartwarming display of community spirit, Islamabad Serena Hotel recently hosted an Iftar Dinner for Charity Schools, underscoring the essence of giving during the holy month of Ramadan.


This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative welcomed children from three esteemed charity schools: Mashal School, Holy Help School, and Master Ayub School.


The press release by the Serena said that this event aimed at providing these young students with a memorable Ramadan experience. Through this gesture, Islamabad Serena Hotel extended its hospitality beyond its usual patrons, embodying the true spirit of Ramadan.


A highlight of the evening was a captivating Naat competition, where the children showcased their talents and devotion through melodious recitations. As the event concluded, each child received a heartwarming distribution of Eidi, symbolizing a moment of shared joy and generosity for all involved.


Otto Kurzendorfer, General Manager of Islamabad Serena Hotel, expressed his satisfaction with the initiative, stating, “Ramadan is a time for giving, and we are thrilled to have had the opportunity to host this special Iftar and make a positive impact in our community.”

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