Pakistan’s Educational Institutions Mark Solidarity Day with Armed Forces

Thu May 09 2024
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ISLAMABAD: On the eve of May 9, educational institutions across Islamabad came together in a unified display of solidarity and reverence for the country’s armed forces, commemorating the anniversary of a tumultuous day marred by violence and unrest.

Last year on the same day, the nation was rocked by violent protests and riots, especially in the garrison town, where charged mobs wrought havoc on both public and private properties, including military installations.

Events, Activities in Educational Institutions

The educational institutions arranged events and activities aimed at fostering unity and paying tribute to the martyrs of security forces under the directive of the government.

Young children in public schools of Islamabad expressed solidarity with the Pakistan Army and institutions by wearing their uniforms.

The children carried placards related to the May 9 incidents. They were also holding the Pakistani flag in their hands.

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