Report Reveals Over 30% US Population Affected by Air Pollution

Wed Apr 24 2024
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NEW YORK: A recent report reveals that nearly 30% of people in the US are exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution, with four of the top five most polluted cities situated in California. Factors like wildfires, drought, and extreme heat contribute to this rise in hazardous air quality.

The American Lung Association’s State of the Air report highlights that over 131 million individuals are affected by harmful ozone and particle pollution, marking an increase of 11.7 million from the previous year. This exposure heightens the risk of various health issues, including lung and heart diseases, asthma attacks, and reproductive ailments.

Paul Billings, senior vice-president for advocacy at ALA, emphasizes the direct impact of climate change on public health. While the Clean Air Act initially led to significant reductions in air pollutants, recent years have seen a reversal due to pollution from wildfire smoke. The severity of this issue is reflected in the increased number of unhealthy air days in the most polluted cities.

Furthermore, racial disparities persist, with people of color disproportionately affected due to historical zoning practices. However, some cities like Bangor, Honolulu, and Wilmington boast cleaner air quality. Efforts to combat this issue include the Biden administration’s new standards to reduce tailpipe emissions, although further action, such as updating ozone standards, is still needed. Pediatrician Afif El-Hasan stresses the collective responsibility in ensuring healthy air for all, emphasizing the importance of concerted efforts towards cleaner air.

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