iPhone Users Beware: Hidden Feature in iOS 17.2 Update May Cause Unintended Sharing

Mon Apr 08 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Last year, US tech giant Apple rolled out the iOS 17.2 update for its iPhones, introducing several new features and improvements. Among these updates was a new application called Journal, designed for users to jot down their thoughts and experiences.

However, what many iPhone users may not realize is that along with the Journal app, Apple also introduced a feature called Journaling Suggestions, which prompts users with personalized hints for their journal entries. While this feature aims to assist users in capturing their feelings and memories, it comes with a hidden setting that some users may inadvertently activate.

According to reports from UNILAD, if users allow the Journaling Suggestions feature access to their device storage, including data, pictures, and locations, another option called “Discoverable by Others” may also be enabled. This setting allows other users to potentially discover your device, even if the Journal app is deleted or the Journaling Suggestions feature is turned off.

Despite concerns about privacy, Apple reassures users that the “Discoverable by Others” setting does not pose a privacy risk. The company emphasizes that any data collected for the journal feature is not shared externally and is solely used to generate personalized suggestions for users’ journal entries.

On its website, Apple explains, “The other person will only see a prompt like ‘dinner with friends’ if a lot of other iPhones turn up in the evening, for instance. And it doesn’t mean your location is being tracked or stored anywhere.”

While the intention behind the Journaling Suggestions feature is to enhance the user experience, iPhone users should exercise caution and review their privacy settings to ensure they are comfortable with the level of sharing enabled on their devices.

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