Book Review: “In pursuit of an ethical state — Reflections of a Police Chief” 

Mon Mar 04 2024
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“I sometimes think that never blows so red

The Rose where some buried Caesar bled;

That every Hyacinth the Garden wears

Dropped in her Lap from some once lovely Head.”

(Omar Khayyam).

Were my first reflections, reading the book “In Pursuit of An Ethical State: Reflections of a Police Chief’ written by Dr. Syed Kaleem Imam and published by the National Book Foundation Islamabad. Imam himself proclaims; that it’s a lover’s (Kaleem’s) qualm with the beloved (his homeland Pakistan)! One wonders, what this anguish, this agony, this persistent pursuit is about.

People who have waded through Imam’s first book “Kotawal Nama” may assert that the writer is one positively charged police chief who, with years in public service is a treasure trove of all the ins and outs of the precarious path he treaded for 33 years.

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“In pursuit of an ethical state: reflections of a police chief “is exploring the institutional decay!  cultural and intellectual exhaustion at a high level of material prosperity.

Imam has been investing tirelessly in, socio-politico-economic issues, institutional reforms, good governance and the conservation of human rights.

The rule of law is the major theme, followed by stumbling blocks faced in the enforcement of law. Imam realizes the fundamental religious frequency of Pakistan, keeping the current culture in view and guesstimate solutions for a better tomorrow. The book is Imam’s compilation of essays, which have been published from time to time in leading Newspapers, chronicling the occurrences of his times.

The writer addresses topics like; Terrorism, Empowering Women (inclusivity and leadership), Drug and human trafficking, paradigm of CPEC security, Cybercrime, Extremism and the ever-so-grave question of extra judicial killings by the system which is supposed to safeguard people and national security.

Imam doesn’t shy away from accepting the shortcomings of the law enforcing institutions; nevertheless, without losing hope, he opines fixes, by elucidating on ‘how to love your country ‘, ‘course correction ‘, leadership crisis ‘, ‘predictive policing ‘ and the pre-eminence of education, awareness, ethical practices, merit and accountability.

While reading the former book of essays ‘Kotawal Nama’ cum autobiography of the author I asked him, why he wouldn’t name the culprits? Kaleem would smile. In that smile was the reply. We live in terror all the time. Especially in these times of intolerance, when there is no security of life and honour, that is the best he could do. I realized. Though even in the anonymity of the transgressor there are interesting hints, which lead to the unveiling underlying mystery. The absence of names makes the read even more intriguing. Problem solving, dramatic; yet life-like content and change, engaging structure and rhythm, believable and memorable characters, cohesion, an effective beginning and the end of each essay is an informative vade mecum.

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Imam writing voice is engaging and approachable. It is well structured and follows his heart’s whims.

It provides a deeper and more thoughtful message to the readers. The anecdotes throughout the book….’in all domains, the downside is elite capture.’  ‘Power intoxicates men. When a man is intoxicated by alcohol, he can recover, but when intoxicated by power, he seldom recovers.’ There are but few instances of fluidity of thoughts flowing from Kaleem’s pen.

Individuals make communities, societies and governments. The state is nothing without people. As it is said; ‘Cleanliness is half the faith,’ then let’s practice what we preach. Transparency and conscience may lead to achieving larger yields for ‘bright Pakistan’. Ethics, morals and accountability are to be followed by everyone regardless of what strata of financial and socio-political society one belongs to.

For Imam hope springs eternal. Would we live to see and experience our dream Pakistan? Is again a question about whether we live a life that makes a difference or Not!

“In Pursuit of an Ethical State: reflections of a police chief,” is a refreshing perspective on how to revive a failed state.

ان سے جو کہنے گئےتھے

فیض جاں صدقہ کیے

Let’s give Pakistan a chance!

(The writer is a published poet, writing for leading Newspapers with extensive multicultural teaching experience.)


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