Fact Check: Magazine Cover of French President Throwing Frogs from Helicopter

Thu Mar 28 2024
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PARIS: German satirical magazine Titanic has not published a cover featuring French President Emmanuel Macron throwing frogs from a helicopter, Reuters reported on Thursday. The fake cover picture is dated March 2024 and depicts French President tossing frogs from a helicopter. The title says it shows “reinforcements” sent by President Macron for Ukrainian troops.

Fact Check

However, the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Julia Mateus has termed it a fake news. Reuters reported that the cover featuring the French President does not appear on the magazine.

The fake Macron cover circulated following he did not rule out the possibility of sending European forces to fight in Ukraine during a news conference in February.

Earlier, another fake Titanic covers with anti-Ukrainian sentiment has also been shared on different social media platforms.

The German magazine Titanic did not publish a cover portraying President Macron in military uniform throwing frogs from the helicopter and it was a fake news.

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